Drones for Surveillance
Bharat Robotics & Automation Pvt Ltd
Surveillance Applications

Drones for Surveillance
At Strategic Locations for Routine Monitoring
Surveillance, the close observation of a person, group of people, behaviors, activities, infrastructure, building, etc for the purpose of managing, influencing, directing, or protecting. There are also several different methods of surveillance. Areas where we can provide help and technology include include GPS tracking, camera observation etc. Additionally, we can also help with data mining, profiling, and biometric surveillance.
Some of the other areas where we can provide help include;
Event Security
Drones are instrumental in managing the critical facets of security & safety at major events. For example, event security infrastructure, spectator and crowd control, and safety to overall health and safety planning.
We can manage the completion of initial security risk assessments to developing bespoke security infrastructure solutions. Areas covered include general security, such as vehicular access. Landscapes, fire evacuation procedure and adaptation of the original building design are also covered.
In addition to monitoring and rapid reaction, our drones can provide detailed visual documentation of sites. This enables effective analysis, risk management, and security planning. Abu Dhabi’s security company, uses UAVs to supplement its security system, especially around ports. Our drones can also monitor and assess the scale of accidents. This information enables authorities to delegate personnel more efficiently.
Traffic monitoring
Traffic monitoring is necessary for collecting data that provides a detailed description of the use and performance of road networks. There are two main ways to collect traffic data: by manually observing the roads, or by using electronic equipment to monitor roads at specific times.
The data collected in traffic monitoring supports the safety, performance, and maintenance of the roads. Many traffic monitoring organizations use helicopters to achieve aerial views, or use cameras fixed above the roads. Both of these methods only serve one particular purpose, therefore cameras are difficult to move around efficiently, and using helicopters is too costly to use for repetitive road monitoring.
We offer Aerial surveillance drones which are much more efficient and cost-effective alternative to helicopters and static cameras. Drones also offer several advantages over traditional methods of traffic monitoring. They use waypoint navigation, which allows them to fly along specific routes repetitively; they can also fly over specific roads and in specific situations.
Anti Poaching
Poaching is the illegal hunting, capturing, or killing of non-domestic animals. The practice is therefore in direct contradiction to the Endangered Species Act. Acts of poaching also encompass a failure to comply with the regulations surrounding hunting. Regulations include hunting without a license, hunting at illegal locations, and hunting with illegal methods.
Our surveillance drones are an ideal solution to the problems faced by other anti-poaching methods. Our Drones are equipped with not only cameras but also thermal sensors and sniffers that enable them to detect poachers and hazardous gases.
What We Can Help You With
Automation Services
Aerial Surveys
Terrain Mapping